My name is Dr. Raymond Zepp. I am an American who has spent his entire career teaching in developing countries around the globe. In 2010 I co-founded Dewey International University in Cambodia, and was President until my retirement last year. However, I want to continue to promote quality and appropriate education in Asia.

 I notice that almost all the online English teaching programs are TESOL, that is, they are designed to be taught in English-speaking countries by first language speakers. Since they assume mother-tongue competency, they focus almost entirely on teaching methods, but not on English language content itself.

 In developing countries, on the other hand, I noticed that many of the English teachers need a lot of improvement in their own English. I saw the need for TEFL training that teaches methods as well as English language content. I therefore saw the need to establish the ASEAN Certificate in TEFL  (A.C.T.) to further both of those objectives.

 For example, considerable attention is paid to preparing students for taking TOEFL and IELTS. But many teachers are themselves preparing for TOEFL, so this course helps them to prepare at the same time.

 I hope you find this approach useful and interesting. Good luck in your studies!


Last modified: Tuesday, 25 February 2025, 5:31 PM